Case Study

Nonna's Pasta

The brief

ME comms were appointed by Nonna’s Pasta at Deansgate Square to support their new menu launch via a targeted regional media relations campaign and overarching influencer strategy.

Aims & Objectives

To engage with some of Manchester’s most influential media raising awareness of Nonna’s Pasta’s new menu

Devise and execute a wider micro-influencer campaign across Instagram and TikTok driving bookings to Nonna’s Pasta targeting relevant influencers with foodie followers

To execute a media campaign in line with Nonna’s Pasta’s social media channels with the aim of driving bookings and brand awareness


9 pieces of coverage across Nonna’s Pasta target media

10 influencer visits with content shared across TikTok and Instagram

5 press visits including editorial on The Manc’s social media channels with a collaboration post shared