Marketing trends to look out for in 2024

2024 is upon us and the marketing game is about to get even more exciting with new technologies, platforms and communication channels exploding all around us. Here at ME comms we always have our ear to the ground bringing you all of the newest trends. Check out our top predictions for this year.

Immersive Experiences:

Augmented Reality (AR) and Virtual Reality (VR) are stealing the spotlight. Brands are now taking consumers on wild rides with interactive campaigns, virtual trials, and mind-blowing in-store experiences. It’s not just marketing; it’s a whole new world with incredible immersive experiences at the forefront of brands marketing campaigns.

Feel Good Marketing:

Being cool is not just about looks; it’s about values. In 2024, brands are getting real about making a difference. Sustainability, social responsibility, and doing good for the planet are the cool kids on the block. Here at ME comms we predict we will see a lot of brands in 2024 shouting about their values and how they align within your business.

AI-Powered Personalization:

Say goodbye to generic vibes! Artificial Intelligence (AI) is turning up the heat with personalised marketing. Whether it’s spot-on product recommendations or content made just for you, AI is your new best friend, making every interaction feel easier and more personal.

Voice Search – Just Talk to It:

Forget typing – it’s time to talk! Voice Search Optimization (VSO) is on the horizon and we predict this is going to be huge in 2024! With voice-activated gadgets everywhere, brands are getting chatty. If you’re not optimising for voice searches, you’re missing out on the conversation.

Meta Marketing – The Cool Kids in the Virtual Hood:

The metaverse is not a sci-fi dream; it’s where the party’s at! Brands are venturing into virtual spaces for epic adventures. Virtual events, branded worlds – welcome to meta marketing. It’s not just cool; it’s the future of cool.

Interactive Content – Because Scrolling is Boring:

It’s not a show; it’s a party! Interactive content is the VIP pass. Polls, quizzes, shoppable posts – brands want you in the mix. Say goodbye to passive scrolling; it’s time to get involved.


2024 is all about breaking the mold and brands who do things with a difference will win. Here at ME comms we are ready to turn these trends into your brand’s success story making this year unforgettable. Get in touch with us today by emailing [email protected]